Bug: Im- and exporting of key controls does not completely work

Any issues, problems or troubleshooting topics related to the Prepar3D client application.
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Joined: Mon Jun 10, 2013 4:33 pm

Post by minime »

I was setting up my Thrustmaster controls on one computer and then exported the whole thing to a file.

After setting up the other machine I imported that file, hoping to have the exact same controls.

This is not the case, however.

Part of the config was reset to default. That means for example that all the joystick buttons were again linked to some action, screwing up the control scheme.

Also the axis were not set up correctly, so that rudder and throttle are messed up and most axis did not have the proper deadzone.

Which basicly means that currently it is not possible to save and load control schemes, it seems only half of it is actually saved and then imported.

I also had problems with the disconnected joystick bug causing some changes in the control scheme. I do not know when and why it happens, but there is something weird going on.

One is the bug that crashes Prepar3d when you try to export the controls after the joystick auto-disconnected. Another is that some changed keys will be reset after that.
