Dialog window docked mode cursor problem

Any issues, problems or troubleshooting topics related to the additional features present in the Prepar3D Professional Plus client application.
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Dialog window docked mode cursor problem

Post by MD-82 »


I was having a hard time to find proper search criteria for this so I thought I would ask. For the longest time I am having issues with click spot location in pop up windows in P3D. Every time I fly it can be different. I use the GSX and AS-P3Dv4 on every flight. Here is what happens. I load up P3D and start preparing. In the course of preparing of course I open up the GSX or AS dialog window. This opens the grey semi transparent dialog box. Now when I hover over a certain item, the actual selection I make is one or two items above/below where my mouse currently is. And since the color change when highlighting an item is almost imperceptible I end up choosing wrong things. It doesn't matter if it's the GSX or ActiveSky box. I immediately know I have been dealt the bad hand when I try to expand the box and notice that the edge of the box (where I need to click and drag to expand) is located a certain distance up from the bottom of the box. The only way to remedy this except for squinting for 10 seconds to make sure the correct choice is highlighted is to revert to undocked window mode. Then the cursor does exactly what it should. The next flight, I might not have any issues whatsoever. Is this common? Any ideas? I am running 4K on a 52" Samsung smart TV.

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