GPS Issue with my Prepar3D

Any issues, problems or troubleshooting topics related to the Prepar3D client application.
Olivier Mondon
Posts: 17
Joined: Tue Dec 05, 2017 10:01 pm

GPS Issue with my Prepar3D

Post by Olivier Mondon »


Since I've bought Prepar3D V3 in February 2017, I've never had any problems with it. However, the last few weeks, I've encounted an issue, possibly with the gps (This problem occured without any warning) : when I start a flight everything is ok, untill I launch the GPS. The GPS screen then becomes totally dark and inactive (as if it didn't recognize any flight plans), even so for the HSI.
As I also use FS Commander (this programm works normally) I can still continue the flight without the GPS. Everything goes right, till the plane takes off. Indeed, a few minutes after take off, the sceneries textures become completely blurred, and that till the landing. Once on the ground, things get worst (AI Traffic, building, textures, etc... everything bugs)... The only thing still correct: The commands of the plane answer normally and I can lead it until its parking .... all the rest is completely disorganized.
Firstly, I tried everything to solve the problem: restart P3D, restart the flight, even restart the computer ... Nothing to do!

So, I finally decided to uninstall Prepar3D and all my add-ons in order to re-install it all... That's exactly what I did last week.
Everything has gone pretty well in this long and hard process, but what was my surprise when restarting P3D: the gps issue was still there!
Today, I don't know what to do! That's why I come to you!
Has anyone ever encountered this kind of problem? Do you have any solutions or suggestions to solve it?
I would be happy if I can do something else!

Thank you for helping me!

