P3D v4 performance CPU

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P3D v4 performance CPU

Post by maca11 »

Hello all,

going back to many times repeated discussion, however, there might be some new inputs/experiences, so pls, if any new or info I would very much appreciate...

First, I am happy with p3d v4, having relatively strong HW (i7-5680k, GPU Ti1080).
I am using VSYNC at 30 FPS (as corresponds to my monitor Hz).

Except of dynamic lights at night (where we all know the GPU cards cannot handle very smoothly) I have almost at all situations and instances smooth operation (at those 30 FPS.).

There is however one exception and I would like to know if there is any known room for improvement or fix or development. Or I have to either accept that or buy significantly even more powerful CPU (if there is any...)....
It concerns London Heathrow airport and PMDG 747.
If I stay at the gate VC view out is at about FPS 18-20, so operation is not very smooth and with some stutters (which is understandable with 1 monitor 30 hz rates...).
If I play with sliders in p3d it has some impact but not significant (autogen distance, autogen density e.t.c.). Normally I have usually average position of sliders. If I move them fully right I have few PFS worse, if I move them left I have few FPS better but still around 20.....
AI traffic is the same case. Even if I totally disable it I get +3-4 FPS but cannot reach 30.
So, it is clear that this aerosoft airport in combination with PMDG747 is too heavy for my system.......
My CPU usage shows (0core-100%, 1 core-20%, 2-6 cores - 10% usage). GPU usage is around 50%...

Is there any way how to improve performance (I used many combinations of AM, HT on and HT off e.t.c.) and no big impact.... Anything could be done so I can have 30FPS also in LHR like in other places, or the only way is to wait for future developments of P3D or HW developers to double capacity of HW for huge money ?

many thanks for any ideas or observation !

all the best !
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Re: P3D v4 performance CPU

Post by toutenglisse73 »

Hi, in your scenario it seems to me that what overloads first cpu core shouldn't be "autogen density/draw distance" but "scenery complexity/level of detail radius". Try to play with these 2 sliders to see if it unloads a bit this first cpu (HT off to have the more possible room for the thread that occupies this first core).
Also the plane model can be heavy cpu impact (but no way to minimize it of course) - just for testing try the same scenario with default Extra 300s (very light cpu impact plane) so you can compare how heavy is the 747 for the cpu.
You can also "cheat" with weather while operating on the ground - clear sky could help cpu till airborne.
But you probably already tried that (sliders/weather) and your cpu is probably already overcocked.
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Re: P3D v4 performance CPU

Post by maca11 »

Hi, many thanks for your input !
Will try to do some tests with level of scenery complexity and level of detail radius (in my case currently 6.5).
Yes PMDG has also an impact it is by cca 5 FPS better than with some simple default aircraft.

However, the point is that all other sceneries, airports work well and LHR in combination with PMDG not very. So looks like there is no other 'magic' optimization or fix. If I downsize complexity and/or LOD just because of one airport it is also not ideal.... upgrading HW is also not what I want to do now....
many thanks !
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Joined: Wed Nov 27, 2013 4:13 pm

Re: P3D v4 performance CPU

Post by maca11 »

tried to play also with LOD and scenery complexity and the same like with other sliders.... i.e. if I dramatically decrease then some impact on FPS is there but not significant (cca +/´5)