Stereoscopic 3D solution for HSBS & HOU formats

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Joined: Fri Aug 22, 2014 11:12 am

Stereoscopic 3D solution for HSBS & HOU formats

Post by richbarry »

For those of you with Half Over Under or Half Side by Side 3D compatible monitor/projector/TV who aren't happy with the fact that Nvidia 3D doesn't work with P3D, here is v2 of a Native 3D app which works well in these formats, irrespective of graphics card type. ... (It will turn up FlightSim and Simviation in due course)
As implied by the "Native 3D", P3D generates both views using camera functionality, which has positives and negatives versus hardware 3D extrapolation/generation, but I think the positives well outweigh the negatives, many which are primarily due to how P3D and Simconnect currently work and could be improved if LM developers got on board to add a few critical improvements to SimConnect.
LM - it would be good if you'd try it out, which may persuade you to make some of the Simconnect improvements hinted at to iron out the few things that could work better. Even better would be incorporate the whole idea as standard P3D functionality.
There's a walk through video covering the application basic functionality here

