Can we have the AI code dusted off ?

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Can we have the AI code dusted off ?

Post by sw34669 »

Morning and Happy Holidays LMDev - thank you all for 64 bit again a dream come true; OOMs no more

As a long term AI sufferer it occured to me that as AI packages have injected more and more traffic, airports are really starting to get busy and jammed up (approach and departures). Using UT2 and indeed the new UTL (Ultimate traffic 2 and live), we can see the 1960s MS code is in need of a little love (but not too complex).

I gave this some thought after sitting at EGLL, KDEN and KSFO recently with AI scheduled turned up to full. If you could address the following keeping it as simple as possible it would make a huge difference.

1) Correct Runway balancing ie if active > 1 then set one of them to departures ONLY and the other(s) for arrival ONLY
2) Landing, rollout and runway exit ... this is the area where i see a lot of halting and back taxiing so a change to detect a fast exit from runway and use it. At present AI halt on the runway, read the newspaper and then crawl off a lot of the time.
3) Allow crossings of the active closer to other AI (for taxi out and in) just reduce the collsion distance.
4) Simple final apporach spacing using SPEED through SLEW.

Have a great Christmas