LM: Additional Simulation Variables

Discuss on the SimConnect SDK can be used by programmers to write add-on components for Prepar3D
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LM: Additional Simulation Variables

Post by FSTramp »

For many years, I have been developing and extending the add-on FSTramp. In this time I always wanted the following additional simulation variables.

Aircraft String Variables

For external applications, connected through SimConnect, it is not yet possible to display the current active AI ​​aircraft with correct names. There are two strings which are only available in the aircraft.cfg of the respective aircraft. Please make the following aircraft.cfg keys readable via SimConnect:

Aircraft Autopilot Variables

Add-on airplanes often have an independent autopilot. Therefore, all the autopilot keys are present in the aircraft.cfg, but the following keys are disabled.

autopilot_available = 0
autothrottle_available = 0

In certain circumstances, however, it is desirable for an external application to temporarily activate the default autopilot. The existing simulation variable AUTOPILOT AVAILABLE should therefore be writable. An additional writable variable AUTOTHROTTLE AVAILABLE should be introduced.

Units of measure

Europeans like to use UNITS OF MEASURE = 1. They want air pressure in millibar, fuel in kg / liter but speed and distance in kts and nm. Because of the simple conversion, kts and nm always belong together. Unfortunately the simulator shows the distance in km (navigation log). This is unusual. For UNITS OF MEASURE <= 1, the distance should be displayed in nm.