P3D v4 - Panel.cfg draw_orderNN Not working

For topics related to the creation of simulation objects (SimObjects). This includes development of aircraft, ground, and maritime vehicles.
Sean Moloney
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Jun 10, 2017 6:57 am

P3D v4 - Panel.cfg draw_orderNN Not working

Post by Sean Moloney »

I've encountered what appears to be a minor bug in P3D v4.In FSX and previous versions of P3D, the property "draw_orderNN" could be set in the panel.cfg file to force one gauge to display on top of another gauge. For example, using the default G1000 Mooney Acclaim, if you modify the panel.cfg to read the following:


gauge00=Mooney_Acclaim!MFD_Mooney, 0,0,765,500
gauge01=Mooney_Acclaim!audio_panel, 779,513,97,511
gauge02=Mooney_Acclaim!G1000_PFD, 0,514,765,500
gauge03=Mooney_Acclaim!ASI, 50,50,158,158

draw_order00=gauge00, gauge03

Note I've added gauge03 and the draw_order00 property.

With these entries, you *should* see the ASI gauge on top of the G1000 MFD. In P3D v4, the ASI is displayed underneath the G1000 MFD, but in P3D v3 it displays as intended - with the ASI on top of the MFD.

PS, I'm working on an aircraft at the moment, and I need a gauge to display above another gauge, and I've tried everything in P3D v4 to make that happen, but nothing works. In P3D v3 and earlier I'm not having that problem, so long as I set the draw_orderNN property.

