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Issue EventID with parameter using Voice Control Phrase

Posted: Mon Sep 27, 2021 5:58 am
by snizbatch
I've been utilizing the Voice Control phrases quite extensively. They work amazing, but I've hit a limitation that I'm wondering if it is possible to get around. I would like to be able to say "heading select" using the third party PMDG 777 and have it press the heading select knob. This requires sending a single mouse click (0x20000000) to the custom PMDG event. The event is titled EVT_MCP_HEADING_PUSH_SWITCH which is EventID 69850. In FSUIPC I can perform the action using a button or switch, but it seems that this isn't possible with voice control? When I load the PMDG 777, FSUIPC Console log shows "PMDG 777 offsets enabled" so I'm guessing the events are exposed to the voice control module. It's just a matter of passing the parameter (0x20000000) to the event. I've tried:

heading select, 69850 (x20000000), .6
heading select, EVT_MCP_HEADING_PUSH_SWITCH (x20000000), .6

...but that didn't work. Any ideas?

Jim Hunt