Add-on Instructions for Developers

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This document describes the Prepar3D preferred method for development and installation of add-on material.

Add-on Compilation Settings

For add-on libraries and executables, it is recommended that all software add-ons be developed using Visual Studio 2017. Further, the Platform Toolset should be set to v141 and the Targeted Framework should be .NET Framework Version 4.7.2. These settings will help ensure consistency and compatibility for all new development.

Add-on Content Error Reporting

While developing add-on content, it is essential that you turn on Content Error Reporting to verify that your content is programmatically correct ensuring the best possible experience for the end user.

Add-on Directory Structure

In addition to library (DLL) and application (EXE) add-on developers, those developing add-on content (SimObjects, Scenery, Effects, Scenarios, etc.) should also adhere to these guidelines.

When creating an add-on for Prepar3D, the directory structure are expected to be adhered to help maintain consistency.

NOTE: Please be aware that Prepar3D's base installation files should never be modified by developers. Instead, use an accepted way of distributing Add-ons.