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VR headset picture not clear

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2018 3:26 pm
by Soco3087
I am having trouble getting the oculus rift headset to function properly in Prepar3d V4. When enabled in VR mode the headset and software work however the picture is very jittery when you look around, almost making it unable to look at, and when you look at the detail of the gauges and controls they look fuzzy and unable to be read. When not using the VR headset everything is crystal clear and there are no problem at all when you look around. The PC I am using is a intel i7 7700 with 16 GB Ram and a Navidia GeForce GTX 1080 graphic card like recommend. Can you please advice me how to set it up so I can get the best performance out of the VR headset without the current problems I am having. I was considering uninstalling the program and then reinstalling it on a different drive on the computer but I was afraid it would not let me reinstall it because I only purchased one license. Please advise me as to what option I have to get the best performance.


Re: VR headset picture not clear

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 12:49 pm
by Rob McCarthy
Hi Steve,

You will most likely need to fine tune settings when running in VR to maintain higher framerates. If you uninstall the program you can reinstall on a different drive although this may not offer any noticeable performance gains. Lowering all settings and then gradually increasing them until you get the desired graphics to performance trade-off is the recommended approach.

Reading small text and other small details may be difficult in some cases due to resolution limits on current generation headsets. Moving the eyepoint closer may help alleviate this.

Rob McCarthy

Re: VR headset picture not clear

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2018 6:40 pm
by toutenglisse73
And just a remark concerning resolution : as you have a good gpu that will be lowely used in P3d VR (cpu first core/thread will be the weak point as for any config), you can enable supersampling by using oculus debug tool (you have a launcher in your oculus folder) : I use 1.75 (4k internal rendering instead of 2160*1200) with my 1080Ti wich get used by more or less 60%, so you can probably use the same setting or 1.5 ? It will increase sharpness (even if "synthetic" / no real pixel added) while costing "nothing" to performances.
Another remark, due to main rendering P3D thread being heavy for first cpu core/thread, I disable hyperthreading in bios so this thread has a full core, and I get sensible better performances this way (with given settings I get 90 fps flat curve in monitoring with hyperthreading off while I have fps drops with hyperthreading on).