Prepar3D v5.0 Features and Enhancements

Release Notes

Prepar3D v5 - The Foundation of Next Generation Simulation and Training.

Prepar3D v5 is the first step in the development of an all new platform built for next generation simulation and training. This foundational release is the cornerstone for continuous development and evolution, bringing new capabilities and features to solve tomorrow's training needs. An all new DirectX 12 rendering engine brings unparalleled performance fully harnessing the latest graphics technologies. See the world like never before with groundbreaking weather visuals including volumetric clouds with localized precipitation and atmospheric haze. Train across a fully updated globe with the latest airport and geographic data including sloped runways with full AI support. An overhauled water system brings the seas to life with accurate wave simulations and ocean effects. See every detail with new high resolution physically based rendering (PBR) textures. Challenge yourself in an array of new vehicles including the Lockheed Martin Civilian Utility Aircraft and the F-35B developed by IndiaFoxtEcho with representative STOVL capabilities. Additionally, a slew of new updates across the entire SDK open up even more possibilities for every type of developer. Simulation and training is redefined with Prepar3D v5.

General Platform Updates

New Features

Fixes and Improvements

Fixes and Improvements (Professional Plus Only)

Prepar3D SDK

New Features

Fixes and Improvements

Prepar3D v5.0 Hotfix 1

Client Fixes and Improvements

Content Fixes and Improvements

Scenery Fixes and Improvements

SDK Fixes and Improvements

Prepar3D v5.0 Hotfix 2

Client Fixes and Improvements

Content Fixes and Improvements

Scenery Fixes and Improvements

SDK Fixes and Improvements