Requested Features and Enhancements Implemented in Prepar3D v3.0

The Prepar3D v3 update brings all new features to the platform, rendering and performance, SimDirector, and the SDK. The platform has been overhauled to take advantage of the latest development tools to increase performance and stability while streamlining future development. Optimizations and visual improvements to the rendering engine increase immersion to a whole new level. New development features, including the Scaleform SDK, provide developers even more flexibility to create new and exciting content for Prepar3D's ever increasing user base. A completely new way to interact with the platform has been added with the addition of Avatar mode. Avatar mode opens up endless new training possibilities including vehicle inspection, maintenance, and safety scenarios. Prepar3D's scenario creation tool SimDirector has also been enhanced with a new scripting system opening up possibilities to create more complex training scenarios.

General Platform Updates

Autodesk® Scaleform® Integration

Avatar Mode

Updated User Interface

Platform Improvements

SpeedTree Integration (IDV Inc.)

New Content

Rendering and Performance Updates

Updated Visuals and Performance

Enhanced Particle System

Enhanced Multiple GPU Support

SimDirector Updates

SDK and SimConnect Updates

Installer Updates